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Upper Market Square in Wieliczka

Upper Market Square in Wieliczka

Zdjęcie przedstawia płytę Rynku Górnego w Wieliczce pokrytą trójwymiarowym malowidłem przedstawiającym wnętrze kopalni. Na wprost rzeźby czterech górników. Na około za małymi drzewami i kwietnikami ulice, zaparkowane samochody i po drugiej stronie ulic kamieniczki. Nad jedną z kamienic wystaje smukła wieża kościoła. Niebo zachmurzone.

Rynek Górny, 32-020 Wieliczka Tourist region: Pogórza

The buildings around the Market Square mostly come from the 19th century and were built according to the rules of medieval chessboard planning. In the market there is a Neo-classicist residence – the Przychocki Palace, built on the site of the former town hall.
The square-shaped market square with eight streets going out of it, two from each corner, dates from the reign of King Casimir the Great. The pavement of the Upper Market Square is currently covered with a work of Ryszard Paprocki, entitled “Salt World”. It is the largest 3D painting in Poland and probably the second largest in the world. The “Salt World” painting is an artistic vision of the salt mine’s underground. The author adapted to the composition of the painting the existing bronze sculptures of four miners who come out of the underground to the wooden platforms.

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