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Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sorrows Tarnów

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sorrows Tarnów

Wnętrze jasnego kościoła, gdzie szerokimi łukami oddzielono nawę główną od naw bocznych. Po bokach stoją ławki drewniane. Na wprost ołtarz główny w drzewie z wysokimi oknami z witrażami. Na ścianach wiszą obrazy świętych w złotych ramach. Po lewej drewniane schody do ambony. Po prawej widać krzyż stojący w bocznej nawie.

ul. Kapitulna 2, 33-100 Tarnów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

tel. +48 146214501
The pilgrims come to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Sorrows in Tarnów primarily due to the 17th-century Pieta carved in wood.
The Sanctuary itself is a 14th-century brick church with a 72-metre tall tower, decorated with a crown. The nave, which is covered with a rib network vault, constitutes the oldest part of the church. Other noteworthy features include a stone Gothic-Renaissance portal in the southern vestibule of the church, as well as the church equipment, in particular the 15th-century choir stalls, as well as the 17th-century baptismal font. Also worthy of note are the tombstones of Barbara Tarnowska nee Tęczyńska, Barbara from Rożnów, granddaughter of Zawisza Czarny and mother of Jan Hetman Tarnowski, as well as Zofia Tarnowska, countess Ostrogska. The most important celebrations in the Sanctuary take place of the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, commemorated on the 8th of September.

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