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The Shrine of St Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary — Kraków

The Shrine of St Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary — Kraków

Od lewej wysokie drzewo, za nim mniejsze. Po prawej od nich kilka schodów z barierkami, skwer z niskimi drzewkami, szeroki podjazd i obok niego schody z barierkami. Za nimi nieduży plac i nowoczesny jasny kościół z czerwonym dachem. Na wprost drzwi do kościoła pod podcieniami z daszkiem. Nad nim w kształcie trójkąta jasna fasada z wysokimi, wąskimi oknami na środku i po bokach. Dach dwuspadowy, na nim jakby altana z beli a na niej metalowy krzyż. Pod samym dachem wąskie, nieduże okna. Po prawej ramię budynku w poprzek. Na środku drzwi wejściowe, nad nimi jaskółka, w niej obraz papieża Jana Pawła II. Niebo pochmurne.

Os. Kalinowe, Nowa Huta 5, 31-816 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 798274802
The church was built in Nowa Huta and the cornerstone was consecrated by Pope John Paul II in 1983. The Parish of St Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary was established in 1985.

In 1983, Pope John Paul II consecrated the cornerstone of the church during his pilgrimage to Poland. The church was then built in 1993–2002. The post-modern church was built on a cross plan according to the design by Zofia Łuczyńska and Jan Kurek. The exterior walls of the church are cream-coloured, and the roof is red, with a cross on top. The spacious interior features the main altar designed by the Kraków sculptor Czeslaw Dźwigaj consisting of the figure of St Joseph and the crucifix suspended against the background of the cross-shaped window. The interior of the church is bright, the white and beige walls are contrasted with dark green patterns on the floor and in the chancel. In 2018, a pipe organ from the Evangelical parish in Gelnhausen was installed in the church. The side chapel features a painting of Saint Joan Beretta Molla, an Italian doctor, with her child. The saint's relics were deposited in the church in 2004.

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