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Sanctuary of St. Stanislaus the Bishop Martyr, Szczepanów

Sanctuary of St. Stanislaus the Bishop Martyr, Szczepanów

Ceglany kościół za murem w otoczeniu zieleni. W murze brama z kratą i figurami.

ul. Św. Stanisława 2, 32-823 Szczepanów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

tel. +48 146864222
tel. +48 600261583
The small town of Szczepanów, located to the west of Tarnów, is, according to tradition, the birthplace of the patron saint of Poland, Saint Stanislaus. Today it is a sanctuary to the saint visited in large numbers by pilgrims.

Szczepanów is one of the oldest villages, and a church was built soon after Poland was Christianised. The first wooden church was founded by St Stanislaus' parents in the 1030s, or perhaps even earlier. On its site in 1470, the chronicler and parish priest of the time, Jan Długosz, erected a Gothic church. The history of St. Stanislaus' parish is linked to the cult of St. Stanislaus; chroniclers and historians writing about the saint have always mentioned his birthplace, Stanislaus. Polish kings, including Ladislaus the Short and John Casimir, also visited the site.

Between 1911 and 1914, a neo-Gothic, brick and unplastered church was added to the church, designed by Jan Sas-Zubrzycki. The old church became the right-side aisle of the new church. The detached bell tower was demolished during construction. In 1914, a fire broke out in the old part, destroying the roof, wooden ceiling and furnishings. The church was rebuilt between 1925 and 1927 and consecrated in 1930. St Stanislaus' 900th birthday was celebrated here in 1936, and in 1978 the 900th anniversary of his death was mourned.

Two bells from the 16th century hang from the tall, soaring church tower. A stone portal from the 17th century has been preserved at the entrance to the sacristy. The main altar contains an image of St Stanislaus. The frescoes were executed between 1959 and 1961 by Maciej Makarewicz. The shrine was visited many times by Karol Wojtyła, who as Pope John Paul II in 2003 gave the church the status of Basilica of Saints Mary Magdalene and Stanislaus, which was announced by the papal legate Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, later Pope Benedict XVI. 

In the village, you can also go to the chapel of the Nativity of Saint Stanislaus, built in 1861 on the spot where the future saint was supposedly born. 

The sanctuary is a pilgrimage destination. The main indulgence feast lasts eight days from the Sunday before to the Sunday after the feast of St Stanislaus falling on 8 May. The main indulgence feast lasts eight days, from the Sunday before to the Sunday after the feast of St Stanislaus on 8 May. Indulgence feasts are also held in April and July.

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