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Former manor granary in Ryglice

Former manor granary in Ryglice

Na wprost drewniany spichlerz z dachem pokrytym gontem. Z przodu po kilku schodach drewniana rampa. Za nią długi budynek z kilkoma drzwiami i po prawej w dachu z okrągłym, małym oknem. Po lewej z balkonem w dachu z balustradą z desek. Przed nim plac wysypany kamieniem i fragment chodnika. Obok trawnik. Z tyłu wysokie drzewa i częściowo zachmurzone niebo.

ul. Mickiewicza 27, 33-160 Ryglice Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 146541083
Former manor granary dating back to the year 1757 is the oldest structure of this type in the region. The granary building matched the manor and park complex, which at that time belonged to Count Walenty Ankwicz.
The granary was a supply base for the brick palace and within the complex there was also a farm cowshed from the end of the 17th century and two fish ponds. The wooden building was built using the full scribe method, with a brick endwall from the southern side. It was single-storeyed, had no basement and its loft was unused. Undoubtedly, today the greatest historic value of the structure, apart from the walls of the building, is the frame of the door opening, located in the northern part of the front façade and bearing the following inscription: “DIE 21 MAJI ANNO DOMINI 1756”. In 1978, the granary was entered in the register of historic monuments under the register number A-161. Some 20 years later, it was transferred to the Commune of Ryglice.