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Goldhammer Street Tarnów

Goldhammer Street Tarnów

Ulica w słoneczny dzień. Po lewej stronie stoi rząd kamienic z ozdobnymi elewacjami. Po prawej stronie narożna dwupiętrowa kamienica. Przed nią z boku skwer z młodymi drzewami. Przy ulicy po lewej stronie zaparkowane samochody. U góry niebo bezchmurne.

ul. Goldhammera, 33-100 Tarnów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

In 1913, Tarnów City Council renamed ul. Zdrojowa street in honor of long-time vice-mayor and attorney, member of local Jewish community, Eliasz Goldhammer.
Before WWII, the street was considered the most prestigious in Jewish section of Tarnów with luxurious Herman Soldinger’s Hotel at No 3 and the Jewish Credit Union’s headquarters, at No 5. The latter hosted post-war seat of the Jewish Religious Community. In 1993, the last shtiebel – Jewish prayer house – located at ul. Goldhammera 1 was closed. Traces of the then-Tarnów can be seen in preserved fragments of an ad at the façade of building No 6, written in Polish and Yiddish.

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