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Pomnik Kataryniarza Tarnów

Statue of an Organ Grinder, Tarnów

Na wprost z bliska pomnik mężczyzny w kapeluszu z katarynką, na której siedzi papuga i leżą kwiaty. Kataryniarz ubrany jest w marynarkę z przewiązanym u szyi szalem. Prawą ręką nakręca katarynkę, na której z przodu wyryte są trzy obrazki. Po prawej fragment ławki. Z tyłu rozłożone nad straganami parasole

Plac gen. J. Bema, 33-100 Tarnów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

In 2014, on Burek square in Tarnów( official name: general J. Bem square), bronze statue of an Organ Grinder was unveiled. The monument presents a man with a parrot on his shoulder, operating street organs. Front of the instrument is decorated with images of three of the most recognizable structures in Tarnów: Town Hall, Cathedral and Bimah. Upon approach, the built-in mechanism reproduces the standards of street organ music.
Pl. Ducha Świętego (or the Holy Spirit square – official name of the site until 1950) was the preferred scene of most local and visiting street musicians, until WWII. Their daily shows annoyed neighbors who appealed to the municipality to remove or limit the number of organ grinders performing there. Today, with no street musicians performing the monument is just a sentimental recollection of the past

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