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The Romanówka Villa, Krynica-Zdrój

The Romanówka Villa, Krynica-Zdrój

Duża drewniana willa w stylu szwajcarskim, w kolorze niebieskim, z ceglastym dachem pokrytym blachą z dużą jaskółką po środku i mniejszymi po bokach. Od frontu podcień i taras na piętrze z ozdobnymi balustradami. Na górnej balustradzie napis ROMANÓWKA. Budynek postawiony na kamiennej podmurówce, prowadzą do niego betonowe schody, po których wchodzą ludzie - kobieta i mężczyzna. Przed budynkiem duże drzewo z liśćmi i krzewy. Po prawej kolejne drewniane zabudowanie. Z tyłu rosnące drzewa.

ul. Bulwary Dietla 19, 33-380 Krynica-Zdrój Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 184715303
“Romanówka” was established in the mid-nineteenth century as a holiday guesthouse in the then famous “Swiss style”.

It has a log structure, and is panelled with painted boards an covered with sheet metal. It was a guesthouse until the 1970s, and in 1994, it was reopened as the Nikfor Museum, a branch of the District Museum in Nowy Sącz. Here, you can admire several dozen of the best paintings by Epifan Drowniak – a primitive painter known as Nikifor Krynicki. These works show the variety of artistic techniques he used, as well as the main topics of his interests. The villa is an eclectic building. In the middle of the front elevation there is a wide arcade based on carved columns, above which we can see a magnificent attic with a balcony with an openwork balustrade, topped with a triangular peak.

Once a guesthouse, today the picturesque Romanówka Villa is mainly associated with the Nikifor Museum, named after the famous primitive artist. At the exhibition you can see memorabilia as well as his works from various periods and on various topics. On the front of the building, there is a commemorative plaque with a bas-relief depicting the artist. 


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