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Wiśnicko-Lipnicki Landscape Park

Wiśnicko-Lipnicki Landscape Park

Duże kamienne głazy wśród zieleni Wiśnicko-Lipnickiego Parku Krajobrazowego.

Lipnica Murowana Tourist region: Pogórza

The conservation area embraces a portion of the Wiśnickie Foothills near Nowy Wiśnicz, Lipnica Murowana and Królówki, graced by unique historic buildings and monuments of significant architectural heritage.
In Nowy Wiśnicz a few sights are worth paying a visit, such as the 14th century castle and the 17th century Discalced Carmelites monastery and town buildings. Lipnica Murowana is another village renowned for its wooden gothic church dating from the late 15th century and inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage list. It also has a beautiful market square with wooden arcaded houses. While admiring the monuments, you cannot forget about the precious natural environment of this area. The curiosities of the geological features include groupings of sandstone outcrops protected in the Kamień Grzyb (Mushroom Stone) reserve and a cluster of rocks called Kamienie Brodzińskiego (Brodziński Stones).