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The fortified castle Pieskowa Skała

The fortified castle Pieskowa Skała

Letni dzień, niebo mocno zachmurzone. Od prawej na wysokich murach taras widokowy, na którym stoją turyści, za nim niższy budynek z czerwonym dachem, obok okrągła baszta, dalej wysoki budynek z wieloma oknami połączony z kwadratowa wieża z hełmiastym dachem. Obok loggia widokowa z arkadowymi krużgankami na dwóch ostatnich piętrach oraz małymi wieżyczkami na tarasie i za nią wysoki budynek z wieloma oknami, który łączy się z niżej ciągnącym się łamanym wysokim murem z kamieni obok którego wewnątrz widać ogród. W tle zalesione wzgórza.

32-045 Sułoszowa Tourist region: Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

tel. +48 123896004
The most wonderful view of the Pieskowa Skała castle stretches from the Prądnik Valley. In the foreground, you can see a limestone outlier known as the Mace of Hercules.

On the Trail of the Eagles' Nests it is a real, well-preserved, gem. Casimir the Great ordered a defensive building to be erected here as early as the 14th century, and its owners, the Szafraniec family, gave it its Renaissance character more than 200 years later. They drew on the tried-and-tested designs of Wawel Castle: architects imported from Italy erected an arcaded courtyard and the clock tower was given a dome similar to those of the royal castle towers. Right next door, the masters from Italy have erected an architectural marvel: an arcaded loggia. Below, they designed an Italian-style garden on a terrace above the cliff. Today, the castle houses a museum presenting the stylistic changes in European art, as well as the largest gallery of English paintings in Poland.

Legend of the Pieskowa Skała Castle

There is also a legend associated with the castle to explain the name of the monument. The legend has it that in the bastion, called Dorotka, one of the daughters of the Tęczyńskis starved to death. She was punished in such a cruel way for her love of the lute player with whom she tried to run away. For a while, a dog tried to save her from death by climbing on a rock and throwing waste to its mistress. Oh, a faithful dog and a beautiful dog parable.

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