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Kościół Zwiastowania Najświętszej Marii Panny z klasztorem braci mniejszych kapucynów Kraków

Capuchin Church and Monastery in Krakow - Sanctuary of Our Lady of Loreto

Figura Madonny w drewnianym ołtarzu.

ul. Loretańska 11, 31-114 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 124224803
tel. +48 122928163
tel. +48 501039508
Right outside Krakow’s historical Old Town stands the small Capuchin Church and Monastery, established in the end of the 18th century as one of the first two houses of the Capuchin Friars in Poland.
The so-called “Holy House of Loreto,” dating from the early 18th century, is located next to the church, on the right side of the entrance. It is a copy of a similar building from the Italian town of Loreto. As legend has it, it was the house of the Blessed Virgin Mary that was transposed to Italy from Nazareth in Palestine by six angels. The gallery around the Krakow “House of Loreto” is often called “Campo Santo of the Patriotic Krakow”, since its walls feature numerous plaques and epitaphs commemorating victims of wars, eminent military figures and great academics. Also, this is where many patriotic ceremonies took place, for instance the sword dedication of the leaders of the 1794 uprising, including the head of the Insurrection, Tadeusz Kościuszko.

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