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Dwór Wielogłowy

The larch wood Manor House in Wielogłowy

Widok na ogród i modrzewiowy dworek z zewnątrz. Przed dworem od lewej drzewa i krzewy i pośród nich na kolumnie figura Matki Bożej. Dalej z tyłu budynek z gankiem z dachem podwójnym pokrytym blachą, z wieżyczką dobudowaną z prawej strony. Za nią wysokie drzewa. Niebo z niewielkimi chmurami.

Wielogłowy 1, 33-311 Wielogłowy Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 184432316
The Manor House was erected in the C17th. In 1958 its last owner Maria Stuber bequeathed the building to the Congregation of the Carmelite Sisters of the Infant Jesus, who set up a convent in the building, and in its western part a convent chapel with a painting of Our Lady.
The single-storey manor house was erected using log construction to a rectangular plan, with plastered and painted walls. Inside the manor house there are fragments of classical polychrome work which was uncovered during painting. A number of C19th brick four-flat buildings (for the servants/workers) have also been preserved.

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