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Chodorowa Vineyard

Chodorowa Vineyard

rzędy winorośli osłonięte ochronną siatką, nad nimi niebiesko niebo i chmury, a także słońce

Chodorowa 60, 33-330 Chodorowa Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 663763951
The vineyard in the village of Chodorowa near Grybów in the Rożnowskie Foothills, was established in 2012 on the initiative of Zbigniew Krzyżak and Grażyna Dudek, who are partners.

The Chodorowa Vineyard is located at an altitude of 300–370 m above sea level on a southern slope with an inclination of about 17%. The plantation is located on a steep slope with very good sun exposure. Nine grape varieties are grown on an area of 1.4 ha. For white wines: Seyval Blanc, Hibernal, Johanniter, Jutrzenka, Solaris, Bianca and Muscat, while for red wines – Rondo and Regent.
A further two hectares have been prepared next door and will be planted with vines in the coming years. Ultimately, 15,000 vines are to be grown in the vineyard.
There are also old orchards from which apples for cider production are sourced, a large building for tastings, and a guest house. In 2019, an incubator for the processing of local agricultural products was set up at the vineyard, where local farmers can process their fruit into juices.