Nature has more than one name. On the paths of the cat's paw and rosebay willowherb

Photo collage: ferns in the forest, a butterfly on a flower, a fox.
An eagle, a bear, a chamois, a wolf, a lynx, but also a long-eared owl and a salamander – they do the honours here. The elegant decor is provided not only by ancient oaks and mighty beeches, but also by slender firs and picturesquely winding pines. The impressive carpet of fields and meadows, a multi-coloured mosaic of seemingly ordinary grasses and a large ‘sandbox’ with its mirages are tempting. And yet we cannot omit such wonderful ‘details’ as the edelweiss, once beautifully called cat's paw, the rosebay willowherb, the carline thistle...

Our region is also unique in terms of the gifts generously given to us by Mother Nature. Undeniably, let us use this wealth, but always with understanding, prudence, and gentleness and with care, as well. We invite you to the wonderfully confusing paths of Małopolska because only there will you discover these wonders.


National parks in Małopolska Region

Tatrzański Park Narodowy Pieniński Park Narodowy Babiogórski Pakr Narodowy
Gorczański Park Narodowy Ojcowski Park Narodowy Magurski Park Narodowy


Valleys in the Małopolska Region

Dolina Będkowska Dolina Bolechowicka Dolina Kluczwody
Dolina Kobylańska Dolina Mnikowska Dolina Sąspowska
Dolina Eliaszówki Dolina Prądnika Dolina Szklarki
Dolina Racławki Dolina Sanki Dolina Pięciu Stawów
Dolina Kościeliska Dolina Chochołowska Dolina Gąsienicowa
Dolina Strążyska Dolina Bystrej Dolina Olczyska
Dolina Roztoki    

Caves in Małopolska Region

Jaskinia Łokietka Jaskinia Wierzchowska Jaskinia Nietoperzowa
Jaskinia Ciemna Jaskinia Mroźna Jaskinia Mylna
Jaskinia Obłazkowa Jaskinia Raptawicka Jaskinia Smocza Jama


Małopolska has more to offer. Look and see:

Parki Narodowe Parki Krajobrazowe Małopolskie Doliny
Wnętrze jaskini. Rzadkie zwierzęta Małopolskie ostańce i rezerwaty skalne



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