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The Bella Vita manor house

The Bella Vita manor house

Po prawej i lewej trawniki z krzewami. Pośrodku aleja prowadząca do drewnianego jednokondygnacyjnego, szerokiego, drewnianego, z ciemnych desek budynku z oknami w dachu. Na środku drzwi i ganek wsparty na czterech kolumnach. Po bokach prostokątne okna. Dach podwójny, węższy u góry. Przed budynkiem wysoka choinka, częściowo zasłaniająca dach oraz okrągły klomb z niskim żywopłotem. Z tyłu wysokie drzewa i bezchmurne niebo.

Wola Zręczycka 51, 32-420 Zręczyce Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 122810651
The Bella Vita manor house, situated among forests and meadows of the Wieliczka Footkills, has a unique atmosphere.
Erected in the 19th century and partially converted in the 1930s, it has maintained the charm of old residences.  Red mansard roof, larch log walls and the stone foundation bring to mind the archetypal landed estate. It is one of the few well preserved historic wooden manor houses. It is worth entering the building to see an art gallery with interesting exhibitions. You can also see a beautifully arranged drawing room with historic furniture. The house, whose name can be translated as “Beautiful Life”, also houses a hotel and a restaurant. From spring to autumn, you can relax in a summer garden and enjoy coffee and snacks in the shadow of the trees.