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Dwór Glanów

The classical manor house in Glanów

Na wprost murowany biały, parterowy budynek z wejściem po kilku schodach poprzez ganek z czterema kolumnami. Nad nim trójkątny szczyt z półokrągłym oknem. Po bokach po cztery okna. Na elewacji zielone pnącza, przed budynkiem po obu stronach ogródki z krzewami i droga wyłożona kostką. Przed nią fragment okrągłej rabaty z zadbaną zielenią, trawnikiem i kwiatami. Po bokach i z tyłu rosną drzewa. Niebo pochmurne.

Glanów 75, 32-353 Glanów Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

The classical manor house in Glanów was built in 1786. It is a single-storey brick building with white-washed walls.
There is a columned portico in front of the entrance which is capped with a triangular crest and projection. The building has a shingled Polish cross gable roof and a two-bay interior layout. The manor house is surrounded by a C19th landscaped garden covering an area of close to 0.5 ha, set out in about 1930. Around the manor house there are also C19th manor buildings: a wooden coach house with a pillar construction, two wooden-brick barns, a stone granary and an out-house. Glanów is situated on the Krakowska Upland extending between Kraków and Częstochowa. The first news about the village comes from 1295 when Mikołaj, the knight, gave it to Paweł, a townsman from Skała, for the purpose of granting the charter based on Środa law. In the 16th century, the village became a part of the property of the Norbertine nunnery from nearby Imbramowice. On 15 August 1863, in Glanów there was a battle between the insurgent troop and the Imperial Russian Army. The insurgents, under the command of General Aleksander Krukowiecki, were deployed in the Glanów manor. Despite the superiority of the Russian army, the insurgents managed to repel the enemy attack. During the defence operations, the Glanów leaseholder – Leon Bończa Rutkowski – was killed and he was buried in Imbramowice. From the southern side, the village is surrounded by the most beautiful part of the Dłubnia Valley.

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