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Church of St Bartholomew the Apostle in Łapanów

Church of St Bartholomew the Apostle in Łapanów

Widok z ukosa na drewniany kościół z małą wieżyczką na dachu, pokrytym gontem. Przy wysokiej ścianie frontowej mały ganek z dachem i drewniane, duże drzwi. Z boku dobudowana wąska zakrystia. Wokół świątyni trawa i alejka wyłożona kamieniem. Z lewej dom za krzewami i drewnianym płotem. W oddali wzgórza. Po prawej dalej budynek i drzewa. Niebo z chmurami.

Łapanów 1, 32-740 Łapanów Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 146853514
tel. +48 889107343
The Church of St Bartholomew in Łapanów was built in 1529 and rebuilt after it was destroyed in 1614 together with a new chapel adjacent to the nave. The nave and presbytery are covered by a single gable roof. It is topped by a Baroque ridge tower with lantern and an onion dome. The interior is decorated with a polychrome from 1843 by Mecner and Wojciechowski. The late Baroque main altar, with a painting of the Virgin and Child, dates back to 1873. The side altars also date to the 19th century. The church also contains paintings of the Virgin Mary from the 17th century, the Transfiguration of Our Lord and St Barbara from the 17th century.

The church is an example of wooden sacral construction of outstanding architectural and artistic value. The church was founded in 1529 and was built on the site of an older wooden church. The founder of the church is considered to be the then-owner of the village, Mikołaj Łapka. In 1614, the church was rebuilt with the funds of the then-owner of Łapanów, Marcin Lutosławski. He also founded St Anne's Chapel, which was added to the south nave of the church. In the late 19th century, the church was rebuilt and widened, giving it its present shape. In 2010, was damaged by flood. It was later restored. The church is situated in the centre of the village, near the market square, on the Stradomka River. This late Gothic church is located on the Wooden Architecture Route. Oriented, single-nave, with an adjoining St Anne's chapel. The three-sided presbytery is smaller than the nave, it features a side sacristy – extended along the nave. The rectangular chapel is situated on the side of the nave. It is crowned with a dome with a turret and lantern. The church is covered with a gable roof with a little ridge tower topped with a baroque tented roof with a lantern. The wooden church is timbered, planked and shingled. The interior contains Baroque equipment. The main altar is Late Baroque, probably the work of the local woodcarver and sculptor Piotr Kornecki from Gdów. It is decorated with altar paintings made with the old technique of panel painting, tempera paintings with gilding. The late Gothic statue of the Risen Christ and the stone baptismal font date back to the 16th century. The painting of Our Lady of the Blessed Thunder Candle comes from the 19th century which, along with the panel painting of St Anne, is one of the peculiarities of the Łapanów church.

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