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Church of St Andrew the Apostle Łukowica

Church of St Andrew the Apostle Łukowica

Drewniany, ciemny kościół, od lewej z wysoką, kwadratową wieżą z baniastym hełmem i sygnaturką, z długą nawą z niską przybudówką po środku, z dwoma oknami i z ośmiokątną kaplicą obok prezbiterium z oknami, z baniastym hełmem na dachu. Dach kryty jasną blachą z sygnaturką na środku. Przed kościołem płyty betonowe i po bokach trawa. Po lewej fragment muru z kamieni. Na około drzewa. Po prawej dalej widać budynek. Niebo z kilkoma chmurami.

Łukowica 375, 34-606 Łukowica Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 183335011
The wooden Baroque church was built between 1693 and 1697 on the site where a Gothic church had previously stood. Legend has it that in 1566, Michał Sędziwój, the famous scientist, physician, and alchemist, was baptised in this temple.

The Church ofSt Andrew in Łukowica was built in 1693–1697 and the tower was added before 1720.

The church has a timber-framed, single-nave structure ending in a presbytery. It is orientated (the presbytery faces east) and is tripartite. There is a single-pitched sheet metal roof over the presbytery and nave. Adjacent to the polygonal closed chancel are two symmetrical annexes with an interesting octagonal shape. These include an added sacristy and chapel. Above the whole is a quadrilateral, tapering tower surmounted by a Baroque cupola. The exterior of the presbytery is decorated with a representation of the Crucifixion Group, folk sculptures from the 18th and 19th centuries, and a set of objects associated with the Passion.  These include the shawl of Saint Veronica, the crown of thorns, whips, pincers, nails, and a hammer.

During its more than 300-year history, the church has been restored several times. During one of these works in the first half of the 19th century, additions were added to the presbytery.

The church's interior is decorated with polychrome paintings from the 19th century; the representation of the Holy Trinity crowning the Blessed Virgin Mary stands out in particular. The main altar dates from the end of the 17th century and features a statue of Our Lady and Child (1300), which was stolen during the Nazi occupation, and a painting depicting the church's patron saint, St Andrew. Notable features of the church furnishings include a classicist pulpit from the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, decorated with images of the Evangelists and Christ, and a stone chalice font dating from 1693.        

The church is located on the Wooden Architecture Route (Link to the description of the Church of St Andrew, Łukowica)

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