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Drewniana zabudowa Zakliczyn

The wooden buildings in Zakliczyn

Za ulicą na podwyższeniu z kamieni, za barierką i chodnikiem stoją domy z podcieniami. Od prawej fragment murowanego budynku, za nim też murowany budynek jednopiętrowy z oknami w szczycie dachu, pokryty dachówką. Dalej ogrodzenie i za nim drewniany budynek z dachem dwuspadowym z dachówką. Za nim bielony z dachem pokrytym pordzewiałą blachą i dalej jeszcze dwa budynki. Za nimi drzewa. Niebo w większości zachmurzone.

Zakliczyn, 32-840 Zakliczyn Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 146326460
The town is situated on the right bank of Dunajec in the Tarnów district. Currently, it is the smallest town in Małopolska with a little more than 1,500 inhabitants. The town has the historic urban arrangement from the times of the granting of a charter in the 16th century, with the rectangular, second largest in the region marketsquare (170 m x 100 m) and single-storied wooden buildings. The medieval urban arrangement of the town has been included in the register of monuments. The wooden buildings date from the C18th-C19th and recall how Zakliczyn once used to look.
The former building development consisted of wooden, one-storey houses, with their gables facing the market square. The roofs had protruding eaves, supported by boundary pillars. These pillars fulfilled an important function, taking the load of the rafter framing away from the log walls (as a result of which it was possible to change the layout of the walls without disturbing the rafter framing). What is interesting is that this technique was only applied in Zakliczyn. A number of historical wooden houses from the end of the C18th and the beginning of the C19th still stand by the market square.

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