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Zamek Korzkiew

Korzkiew – the knights’ fortress

Na wprost wśród wysokich drzew stoi murowany zamek widziany z lotu ptaka. Od prawej wysoki budynek w kształcie litery L. Pod  Pod nim niższy budynek z kwadratową wieżą na rogu z masztem z flagą Polski. Pod budynkiem widać rozłożone dwa parasole. Za zamkiem w tle zabudowania i lasy.

Korzkiew, 32-088 Korzkiew Tourist region: Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

tel. +48 124195590
tel. +48 696402768
As recently as a mere fifteen years ago, all that rose above the hill overlooking the scenic Korzkiew Valley were the ruins of the walls, gates and home of a knight who occupied the medieval castle. Today, a stone fortress stands here, reverently reconstructed on the basis of ancient drawings.

The fortress was erected in the 14th century by Jan of Syrokomla. The Gothic castle was extended in the 16th century in Renaissance style. In the following centuries, it was used as a hunting residence by the Jordan family. Deserted at the end of the 18th century, it started to fall into ruin. Today, the reconstructed castle houses a stylish hotel. Medieval tournaments and court dance shows are frequently organized on the courtyard, while the meadow by the castle hosts theatrical performances and open-air concerts.


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