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Zamek na Mirowie Książ Wielki

Mirów Castle Książ Wielki

Widok z góry na okazały, murowany zamek, trzykondygnacyjny po bokach z dachem spadzistym i po środku prostokątny z płaskim dachem i czterema na końcach wieżami. Wkoło betonowa aleja. Wokół zamku lasy. W tle kilka zabudowań pomiędzy drzewami, łąki i niewielkie wzniesienia pod bezchmurnym niebem.

ul. Witosa 10, 32-210 Książ Wielki Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 413838010
The castle was founded on the initiative of the Bishop of Krakow – Piotr Myszkowski and starost of Chęciny in the years 1585-95.

The castle is a gem of Renaissance architecture even though it was rebuilt by the subsequent owners in various architectural styles. It was erected between 1585 and 1595 at the initiative of the Kraków Bishop Piotr Myszkowski and his nephew, the Chęciny Staroste. The design has been prepared by the outstanding architect Santi Gucci from Florence. On both sides of the palace, Gucci symmetrically positioned two pavilions –with a chapel in one of them and a library in the other (later a Baroque kitchen). The facility is one of the earliest examples of a palazzo in fortezza type structure, combining the functions of a residence and a defence facility. At the beginning of the 18th century, the owners of the castle were the Wielkopolski family, who refurbished it in a Baroque style. During another renovation in the 19th century, the structure acquired neo-Gothic features with a characteristic crenelated attic and corner towers. At the present moment, it is the seat of the Complex of Non-Public Schools and Educational Establishments in Książ Wielki and the ‘Mirów’ Association.

The castle is located approx. 1 km east of the centre of Książ Wielki, on the Mirów Hill, surrounded by old trees and romantic linden alleys.


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