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Orthodox Church of the Dormition of Theotokos, Andrzejówka

Orthodox Church of the Dormition of Theotokos, Andrzejówka

W ogrodzeniu z kamieni stoi bokiem drewniana cerkiew, z wysoką, kwadratową wieżą z pochyłymi ścianami i z wieżyczka z baniastym hełmem. Za nią po lewo niższa nawa z dwoma oknami, dalej prezbiterium szersze. Na nawie i prezbiterium wieżyczki z baniastymi hełmami. Po prawej stronie kościoła cmentarz i wysokie drzewa. Po lewej i za nim również wysokie drzewa. W tle zalesione wysokie wzgórza .

Andrzejówka, 33-370 Andrzejówka Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 184714850
The exact date of construction of the Andrzejówka Orthodox church (presently a Roman Catholic church) is unknown, but it is assumed to be around 1860–64.
The three-part structure complements the landscape. It has shingle-covered walls and squat roofs with bulbous tops, while its romantic character is intensified by the low stone wall that surrounds it. The interior of the church is decorated with a polychrome from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, and you can still admire a 19th century iconostasis. Other local attractions: Orthodox churches located on the Wooden Architecture Route in Szczawnik and Wojkowa.

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