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Basilica of St. Nicholas the Bishop in Bochnia - Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary

Basilica of St. Nicholas the Bishop in Bochnia - Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary

Na pierwszym planie pomnik papieża Jana Pawła II na wysokim cokole z kwiatami i zniczami., otoczony metalowym ogrodzeniem. Za nim murowany z cegły kościół, z trójkątnym ozdobnym szczytem. Po prawej wysoka drewniana dzwonnica, z pochyłymi ścianami, izbicą i dachem krytym gontem, zwieńczonym u góry. Na niebie kilka kłębiastych chmur.

Plac św. Kingi 9, 32-700 Bochnia Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 146123417
fax. +48 146119270
tel. +48 662021221
For the last four hundred centuries pilgrims have travelled to Bochnia, famous for its salt mine, in order to pay tribute to Our Lady of Bochnia.
The miraculous painting is a 15th-century copy of the image from the Holy Mountain. After bloody tears had appeared in Mary's eyes on the painting in 1633 (28th July) and in 1637 (15th May), the bishops’ commission issued a decree on the miraculousness of the painting. In the 17th century, it was mentioned among the most strongly venerated Mary’s images in the entire Christian world. After the liquidation of the Dominican Monastery at the end of the 18th century, Mary’s image was moved to the Church of Nicholas the Bishop in the 15th century. The indulgence in the sanctuary occurs on the feast day of Our Lady of Rosary (the first/second Sunday of October) and on 6th December (commemoration of Saint Nicholas the Bishop). A 15th-century Gothic temple with furnishings of the 17th-19th century, polychromes of the 16th-20th century (designed, among others, by Jan Matejko) and a painting of Mother of God with the Child famous for its graces. It has held the title of basilica minor granted by John Paul II since 1997 and has also been a collegiate church since 2003. Near the church, there is a wooden bell-tower located on the Wooden Architecture Route (rebuilt after the fire in place of the 16th-century structure in the years 1990-1993).

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