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The Greek Catholic Parish Church of St. Demetrius in Śnietnica

The Greek Catholic Parish Church of St. Demetrius in Śnietnica

Wnętrze drewnianej cerkwi. Na wprost drewniany pulpit nakryty obrusem z dwiema księgami i po bokach z wysokimi świecznikami. Z tyłu bogato zdobiony złoceniami ikonostas z wieloma obrazami i przejściami na tył cerkwi. Po lewej ołtarz i obok okno z witrażami. Bliżej długi stół nakryty obrusem z metalowym, małym krzyżem. Przed stołem drewniana ławka. Po prawej okno i za nim obraz wiszący w zdobionej ramie. Ściany malowane we wzory. Na suficie obraz.

Śnietnica 32, 38-315 Uście Gorlickie Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 517221554
The Greek Catholic Parish Church of St. Demetrius in Śnietnica was erected in 1755 and rebuilt in the C19th.
From 1947-97 it was used as a Roman Catholic Church, but since 1997 it has belonged to the Greek Catholic Church. The church has a bipartite layout, and the architectonic and figurative polychrome decoration of the interior is the work of Józef Bogdański from 1936. The fittings include an C18th baroque iconostasis, also by J. Bogdański, while the remaining anonymous icons date from 1756. The chancel houses a baroque altar with sculptures of St. Peter and St. Paul, while the nave has late-baroque side altars. The clock faces painted on the bell-house are a curiosity.

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