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The Filial Greek Catholic Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Dubne

The Filial Greek Catholic Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Dubne

Na wprost na wzgórzu z bliska drewniana cerkiew z trzema kopułami na dachach pokrytych blachą, z baniastymi hełmami i wieżyczkami. Od tyłu niskie, kwadratowe prezbiterium, za nim szersza nieco i wyższa nawa, dalej kwadratowa wieża z pochyłymi ścianami. Wokół trawa i kamienne ogrodzenie. Obok cerkwi dwa wysokie drzewa bez liści. W oddali wysokie wzgórze, na dole z widocznymi budynkami i drzewami, u góry łąka. Dalej w tle kolejne zalesione wzgórze i bezchmurne niebo.

Dubne, 33-370 Dubne Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 184714854
The Filial Greek Catholic Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Dubne (currently a Filial Roman Catholic Church) was erected in 1863.
It is a typical West Lemko log-construction church which is tripartite and has shingled walls. The interior is decorated by figurative-ornamental polychrome from the end of the C19th. The fittings include: a rococo-classical iconostasis from the turn of the C19th (the icons are later – painted or repainted by A. and M. Bogdański towards the end of the C19th), a main altar with a canopy and a tabernacle, and a baroque side altar with a painting of Christ Praying in the Garden.

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