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Dormition of the Holy Mother of God Church Kraków

Dormition of the Holy Mother of God Church Kraków

Jasne, duże pomieszczenie cerkwi. Od prawej kolorowy dywan i na nim drewniana ambona przykryta obrusem. Za nią pod ścianą dwa ołtarze boczne z malowanymi obrazami i krzesłami obok. Po lewej widok z boku na złoty ikonostas z malowanymi i rzeźbionymi obrazami świętych. Wyżej w głębi duże obrazy i fragment okna z witrażami. Po lewej stronie ikonostasu drewniana wąska ambona z leżącym obrazem i i wiszącym małym obrazem Matki Bożej , dalej drewniana skrzynia, za którą stoi krzyż z wiszącym Chrystusem i pod nim apostoł i Matka Boża. Z sufitu zwisają kryształowe żyrandole.

ul. Szpitalna 24, 31-024 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 124227277
The followers of the Orthodox Church have their own place of worship in Krakow – the Orthodox Church of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.

The tenement house, dating from the 14th century, and the neighbouring house, which belonged to the Jordan family from Zakliczyn, belonged together at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries; hence, both are often referred to as the Jordanowska Tenement House.  In the second half of the 19th century, the house was owned by merchants and crafts people, only to pass into the ownership of one of them, Selig Hirsch Steif, in the last years of the 19th century, who placed the Jewish Good Endeavours Association Ahawat Raim there. Between 1922 and 1932, work was underway to rebuild and extend the townhouse for prayer purposes. In 1940, the synagogue was destroyed by the Nazis, turning it into a carpentry workshop. At that time, the Orthodox parish, which the Germans had evicted from the barracks at Na Groblach Square, took an interest in the site.

The renovation of the church lasted from the late 1960suntil 1984. At the end of 2006, a cupola was installed over the church door. The windows are decorated with stained-glass windows designed by Academy of Fine Arts professor Jerzy Nowosielski, an artist who had a special relationship with the church as he was its parishioner. The entrance to the church leads to the hall porch, where a wall with arched doorways, covered with polychrome by Jerzy Nowosielski, was placed in front of the stairs. The great hall on the first floor serves as the nave. The interior is decorated with many 19th-century and contemporary icons by Jerzy Nowosielski. Noteworthy is the beautiful Gothic hall with a magnificent iconostasis, which is also the work of Jerzy Nowosielski. Behind the altar are stained-glass windows made by Kraków artists. The second-floor refectory contains polychromes from the 1990s. The project was developed in the 1990s by Professors Jerzy Nowosielski and Bogdan Kotarba. The polychromes in the Refectory Chapel painted by the works of Jerzy Nowosielski are unique, creating a visual and content whole with the space.

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