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Church of Visitation of the Virgin Mary, Iwkowa

Church of Visitation of the Virgin Mary, Iwkowa

Wnętrze drewnianego kościoła, widok na prezbiterium z bogato polichromowanymi ścianami i sufitem. Na środku stół przykryty obrusem, ze świecami po lewej i podstawką z księgą po prawej. Za nim ołtarz główny z figurami i dwoma obrazami, jeden nad drugim. Na ścianach malowane postacie apostołów.

32-861 Iwkowa Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 146844327
tel. +48 146844160
tel. +48 604570880
The simple, small cemetery church in Iwkowa is one of the oldest wooden buildings in Małopolska.
It was built at the end of the 15th century (the exact date is unknown) and looks very enchanting, surrounded with gravestones and immersed in deep shadows of trees. The small edifice hides a delightful interior: the walls are decorated with a late Renaissance figural polychrome (1629), the chancel has a stained-glass window (a copy, as the 15th century original was transferred to the Diocesan Museum in Tarnów), while the nave still features two uniquely beautiful 15th century portals crowned with arches adorned with three-leaf motifs. On the rood beam, you can see sculptures of the Crucifixion group from the 14th and 15th centuries. Other local attractions: When visiting Iwkowa, it is worth tasting local dishes prepared with the use of prunes – the region is famous for growing and drying this fruit. You can also walk along the local Prune Route. Czchów with a Gothic church, the remains of a 13th century castle and historic architecture in the market square. Church in Tymowa from 1764 located on the Wooden Architecture Route and featuring 18th century, late Baroque furnishings Tropsztyn Castle in Wytrzyszczka – a knight’s stronghold from the 14th century, situated on a beautiful hill by the Czchowskie lake.

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