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The Parish Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Szalowa

The Parish Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Szalowa

Drewniany, jasny kościół z szeroką fasadą, wyżej z trójkątnym szczytem, z narożnymi wieżyczkami z kopulastymi hełmami i trzema przedsionkami z drzwiami. Z tyłu dalej, ogrodzenie i za nim wysokie drzewa bez liści i zabudowania. Niebo z niewielkimi chmurami.

Szalowa 14, 38-331 Szalowa Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 183522414
The Parish Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Szalowa was erected in 1736 or 1739.
It is a late-baroque, log-construction building with partially shingled walls. A tripartite church, it has a basilica layout. The chancel is the same width as the main nave, with two sacristies attached to its sides. The interior of the church is adorned with baroque-rococo illusionist and figurative polychrome along with rich C18th fittings. It is worth paying attention to the interesting painted and sculpted decoration of the wall and rood beam the painting on the wall supplements the sculpted representation of the Crucifixion Group. Sites worth seeing! In Łużna, situated several kilometres from Szalowa, there is the biggest 1st World War military cemetery in Galicia.

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