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St Valentine's Church in Krempachy

St Valentine's Church in Krempachy

Trawnik i po lewo alejka prowadząca do niskiego, prostokątnego kościoła o jasnych ścianach, z dobudowanymi wejściem i zakrystią, z dachem z wieżyczką na sygnaturkę. Po prawej stronie za kościołem nagrobki na cmentarzu. Po lewej zabudowania i dalej zalesione wzgórza. Niebo z nielicznymi kłębiastymi chmurami..

ul. Długa 7, 34-433 Krempachy Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

tel. +48 182851655
tel. +48 507412606
This small cemetery church was built in 1761. Instead of a tower it has a ridge turret topped by a hipped roof covered with sheet metal. The main altar contains a painting of St Stanislaus, St Valentine and St Nicholas, which comes from an older wooden church that existed on the site.

St Valentine's Church is a cemetery church standing on the western edge of the village, on the right side of the road leading to Nowa Biała. A wooden church was erected on the site in 1516, and the present church was built between 1753 and 1759. It is a plastered brick building built on a rectangular plan, with a semi-circular presbytery, porches and a sacristy added on the side. On the roof ridge is an turret topped with a cross. The church is mainly furnished with a Rococo high altar with the central part of the triptych from 1516 depicting Saints Stanislaus, Valentine and Nicholas – the so-called 'Holy Conversation – a sandstone baptismal font in the shape of a chalice from 1746, a Rococo pulpit, and a choir.

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