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Church of St Giles in Giebułtów

Church of St Giles in Giebułtów

Niewielki murowany kościół z czerwonym dachem i na nim małą wieżyczką z sygnaturką, otoczony kamiennym wysokim murem. W murze po prawej kapliczka z dachem pokrytym gontem, z wieżyczką z baniastym hełmem. Po bokach wysokie drzewa. Na około chodnik i ulica, za nią budynki. Na niebie dużo kłębiastych chmur.

ul. św. Idziego 2, 32-085 Giebułtów Tourist region: Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

tel. +48 534897454
The present late Renaissance church, reminiscent of the Gothic architecture, was built at the beginning of the 17th century using the walls of a Romanesque building.

An earlier Romanesque church founded by Judith, wife of Władyslaw Herman, was built in 1086 or 1102. Between 1601 and 1604, the church took its current shape, as evidenced by the irregularities in the building's plan. It was founded by Jakub Tomaszewski of the Bończa coat of arms and either Barbara Pisarska of the Szreniawa coat of arms, or by Kacper Giebułtowski.

It is a brick church with friezes and a presbytery with a semi-circular apse and a chapel with a groin vault. The porch was built in the mid-19th century. A Mannerist portal with the foundation plaque with the engraved date 1604 has been preserved in the façade of the church.

Inside, there is a Rococo high altar with a copy of the painting of Our Lady of Czestochowa from 1623, a marble baptismal font from 1666, a monstrance from the mid-17th century and a Gothic tomb plate with the figures of Stanisław and Barbara of the Oraczowski family.

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