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The Sanctuary of the Suffering Christ — Bielany

The Sanctuary of the Suffering Christ — Bielany

Wnętrze sanktuarium z ciemnymi we wzory ścianami, ze złoconym ołtarzem głównym na środku, po prawej wisząca ambona, po lewej kryształowy żyrandol częściowo zasłaniający witraże w oknie, obrazy na ścianach i polichromie na stropie. Na wprost ołtarz boczny z obrazem Matki Bożej, obok jej figura. W dole fragment drewnianych ławek. Z sufitu zwisają szarfy.

Bielany, ul. Solna 2, 32-651 Nowa Wieś Tourist region: Oświęcim i okolice

tel. +48 338486598
The heart of the town of Bielany, located on the Soła River, features the Sanctuary of the Suffering Christ, right next the church of Saint Matthias the Apostle. Inside, the Baroque altar features the miraculous image of Christ Scourged, painted in the 17th century. The needy and suffering from all over Poland make pilgrimages to see the image and pray.

The structure was erected over the course of 30 years and was consecrated in 1833, but its construction was not completed until 1869. It is a Baroque brick church with a single nave and a semi-circular chancel. A stone stairway leads to the portals in the façade divided into three parts and connected with the tower with its cupola with cross. A 1513 bell hangs in the tower. The roof is gabled, with a small bell tower in the middle. The plaster-covered façade is decorated with sgraffiti. The Baroque altarpiece houses the miraculous image of the scourged Christ crowned with thorns, painted on canvas by an unknown artist between 1702 and 1703. It is covered by a moving picture of Our Lady of Sorrows from the 18th century. According to tradition, it was fished out of the Soła River and placed in a wooden church. Soon the painting began to attract numerous pilgrims from the area, as well as from the Beskids and Silesia. Even today many believers come here, especially during the indulgences celebrated on the Feast of Our Lady Queen of Poland on 3 May, on the Feast of Saint Matthias the Apostle on 14 May, on Pentecost and on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on 14 September. Many people in pain and in need pray here for graces and healing.

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