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Sanctuary of St. Charles Borromeo — Niepołomice

Sanctuary of St. Charles Borromeo — Niepołomice

Rondo z jadącymi trzema samochodami i na pierwszym planie z rowerzystą. Po środku klomb z ozdobnymi drzewkami. Po prawej duże bezlistne drzewa i za nimi szara fasada budynku z trzema małymi oknami u góry. Po lewej parterowy budynek z poddaszem, z małymi oknami w dachu. Na wprost za rondem mur z cegły, częściowo po lewej zakryty drzewami, z bramą z łukiem z częściowo zamkniętą po prawej kutą kratą. Za murem kościół ze spadzistym dachem z sygnaturką pośrodku. Po lewej dach pokryty blachą, częściowo zakryty latarnią i fragment ceglanej ściany z małymi oknami. Główna nawa w jasnym kolorze z dwoma wysokimi oknami i z dachem koloru brązowego. Przy niej boczna nawa jasnego koloru z dachem pokrytym blachą i okrągłym okienkiem. Prezbiterium u góry z cegły z trzema wysokimi oknami z łukami z brązowym dachem, z podporami z cegieł, niżej jasna ściana z kwadratowym oknem. Niebo pogodne.

ul. Piękna 2, 32-005 Niepołomice Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 122811041
tel. +48 609811041
The brick Gothic Church of the Ten Thousand Martyrs from the mid-14th century is the oldest historic building in the city, erected thanks to King Casimir the Great and rebuilt in Baroque style thanks to the Lubomirski family. The Sanctuary of St. Charles Borromeo is located at the temple.

The history of the cult of St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop of Milan and an ardent restorer of the Church, in Niepołomice dates back to 1604. It was then that Anna Branicka regained the feeling in her legs; she believed it was thanks to her prayers to St. Borromeo. In 1640 a chapel of St. Charles Borromeo was erected by the church, funded by the governor of Kraków, Stanisław Lubomirski. It became home to the miraculous painting of the saint. The Gothic, two-nave church with vaults supported on polygonal pillars lost its original layout after its reconstruction in the 17th century in the aftermath of a war. The naves were combined into one, according to the Baroque fashion. The reconstruction was sponsored by King John Casimir and the Lubomirski family. Today the chancel is enclosed on three sides, the building is supported by buttresses, the roofs are gabled and feature a small bell tower. Both sides of the nave feature domed chapels. The 16th-century Mannerist burial chapel of the Branicki family with a stone tombstone comes from the workshop of Santi Gucci, while the early Baroque chapel of St Charles Borromeo features stucco from Falconi's workshop. In the Gothic sacristy, visitors can see Italian-style wall paintings made in the 14th century. The interior features a 17th-century stone baptismal font from the workshop of Santi Gucci, a gilded main altar and 18th-century side altars. In 1837, a brick bell tower was added. In 1916 the interior was covered with a polychrome based on St. Mary's Basilica in Kraków. The cult of the saint was supported by Cardinal Karol Wojtyła, and became more prominent following the Second Vatican Council, where St. Charles Borromeo was presented as a symbol of renewal and reform in the Church. The sanctuary in Niepołomice hosts two important indulgences during the year, on the Feast of St Charles on 4 November, and on 22 June, the Feast of the Ten Thousand Martyrs.

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