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The Sanctuary of St. Simon and the Ledochowski Sisters, Lipnica Murowana

The Sanctuary of St. Simon and the Ledochowski Sisters, Lipnica Murowana

Murowany kościół i dzwonnica bramna widziane z zewnątrz.

Lipnica Murowana 39, 32-724 Lipnica Murowana Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 146852601
The votive church of St. Simon stood on the site of the family home of the saint long before his beatification in 2007. It is the only sanctuary of St. Simon of Lipnica in Poland.

The small, single-aisle church was built in 1636-1648. Stanisław Lubomirski founded it at the instigation of King Władysław IV Vasa as a votive offering for the Polish soldiers’ victory at Chocim in 1621. It was rebuilt in 1964-1966. In front of the entrance there is a relief of St. Simon. In the courtyard there is a well from the 16th century with water, which is believed to have miraculous properties, helpful in eye diseases, ENT diseases and female infertility. In front of the church a brick gate bell tower with two bells is built into its fence. The early Baroque church has no tower, only a bell tower on a gable roof. The Rococo-Neo-Gothic main altar from 1860 is a 17th-century painting depicting St. Simon. It is a replica of a 16th-century painting by Johann Gotthard of Vilnius. The original is in the Chapel of St. Simon in the Church of the Bernardine Fathers in Krakow. The two side altars in folk rococo style come from the 18th century. The organ was built in the 19th century. The saint's relics were brought to the church and placed in the ornate reliquary at the back of the main altar in 1923. The faithful who wish to adore them go there on their knees.

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