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PTTK Mountain Hut in the Valley of Five Polish Lakes

PTTK Mountain Hut in the Valley of Five Polish Lakes

Na wprost jezioro i wystające duże głazy. Po lewej trawa i wyżej pasmo gór. W oddali schronisko. Za nim zarośnięte wzgórze. Po prawej częściowo zarośnięte i zaśnieżone pasmo gór. Na niebie kilka kłębiastych chmur.

34-530 Bukowina Tatrzańska Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 781055555
A hut at the highest altitude of 1,670 metres above sea level sits in the Valley of Five Polish Lakes. The hut owes its unique alpine atmosphere mainly to its unusual location in the very heart of the High Tatras. Many trails are leading here, but none of them can be accessed by a car. The only way to get there is on foot, along mountain trails, so the guests of the mountain hut can be called real hikers.

Many trails lead to the Valley of the Five Polish Lakes. The simplest - the green trail - starts at Wodogrzmoty Mickiewicza Waterfalls. This mountain trail running through Roztoka Valley is the most popular route to the hut and the most accessible at any time of the year.

The trip starts in Palenica Glade, about 25 km from Zakopane. It takes about half an hour to walk along an asphalt road to reach Wodogrzmoty Mickiewicza, where the green trail leads up Roztoka Valley to the Valley of Five Polish Lakes.

The Valley is one of the most valuable areas of the Tatrzański National Park. It is a branch of the largest and most beautiful Tatra valley - Bialka Valley. This unique landscape is created by numerous postglacial forms, such as, among others, lakes , to which the Valley owes its name. It is overlooked by monumental granite peaks and the alpine landscape is set by vast mountain pastures, stretches of dwarf pine, scree fields and glittering surfaces of lakes. The largest of them - Wielki Staw, is the longest and deepest lake in the Tatras. This is the origin of the Roztoka stream, which creates the largest waterfall in the Tatras - Siklava. The location of the five-star hut makes it a perfect "communication node" of the High Tatras and an ideal base for setting off on the most extreme trails, such as Orla Perc (Eagle's Path). We can set off on Kozi Wierch (Goat Peak) from the Valley, the highest non-boundary peak (2,291 metres above sea level) entirely situated in Poland. the Valley of Five Polish Lakes is absolutely worth visiting, regardless of the season.

The mountain hut was built between 1947 and 1953 above the Fore Lake. There are 13 rooms at guests' disposal - 2, 4, 7, 8, 10-bed rooms. In total, there are 67 beds.

The hut offers full sanitary facilities, free luggage storage and a large but very cosy dining room. Here you can eat meals offered by the hostel's kitchen (especially sour soup with sausage and potatoes or sweet potato pie) and prepare your meal in the tourist kitchen, which is available for tourists with their own supplies. 

The hut offers a lending library with books and games for all hikers who like to relax with a book and hot tea after a successful hike. These can make long evenings or rainy days more pleasant.

During the winter season, when the Tatra Voluntary Rescue Service announces an avalanche danger level, it is recommended to carry the Avalanche ABC, i.e. probe, shovel and detector, and have the skills to use this equipment. This is why the mountain hut runs a fully equipped rental service of avalanche equipment and gear necessary for winter tourism. If necessary, you can find avalanche kits, ski touring kits, crampons, axes and snowshoes for a fee. After a safe descent (or ride) down, the rented equipment can be returned in Zakopane or Kira.

Thanks to the modern Easy Searcher avalanche rescue training system, you can practice using the detector independently. The system offers different levels of advancement of exercises and numerous versatile search scenarios. In the winter season, the system is permanently installed at the Five Lakes Mountain Hut, on the opposite side of the Fore Lake, thanks to which it is available to everyone. The hut's training centre is additionally equipped with a Checkpoint - Easy Check - a public, free-of-charge system for checking detector efficiency. It can be found in several other places in the Tatras, including Kuznice, Chochołowska Valley Chocholowska Valley and Murowaniec mountain hut.

The hut organises various guiding courses and excursions offered by the 5+ Mountain Tourism office:

  1. Rock climbing courses - held mainly in Jura Krakówsko-Częstochowska - excellent preparation for Tatra climbing and ambitious hikes.
  2. Avalanche courses - covering the Avalanche ABC, operating the Easy Searcher training field and safe trip planning. This course is ideal for anyone who wants to walk in the mountains in winter.
  3. Ski mountaineering and ski touring courses - teaching techniques for ascents and descents in unprepared terrain, handling equipment and learning to ski off-piste.
  4. Mountain hiking courses - allows you to acquire skills in belaying in rugged terrain, rope descents, moving along ridges and via Ferrata all year round. 
  5. Excursions with belaying elements - for skilful and experienced Tatromaniacs (Tatra mountains lover). Excursions that prepare hikers for difficult exits from Orla Perc, Swinica, Rysy and peaks off the tourist routes: Gerlach, Lomnica, Mnich and others, throughout the year.

All tours and courses are led by TOPR (Tatra Volunteer Search and Rescue) rescuers, PZA (Polish Alpine Association) instructors, IVBV (International Federation of Mountain Guide Associations) and Tatra guides.


•    To the PTTK hut in the Valley of Five Polish Lakes:

From Palenica Bialczanska through Dolina Roztoki - along the red and green trails (2h10')
From Morskie Oko through Swistika Roztocka - blue trail (1h45')
From Morskie Oko Lake through Szpiglasowa Pass - yellow and blue trails (3h45')

•    From the PTTK hut in the Valley of the Five Polish Lakes:

To Mt Krzyzne - yellow trail (1h50')

To Mt Zawrat - follow the blue trail (1h45')

To Szpiglasowa Pass and Szpiglasowy Peak - by the yellow trail (2h20')

To Kozia Pass - yellow trail (1h35')

To Kozi Peak - by the black trail (1h30')

To Morskie Oko Lake through Swieistowka Roztocka - with the blue trail (1h35')

To Morskie Oko Lake through Szpiglasowa Pass - blue and yellow trails (3h45')