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Sanctuary of Saint Kinga in Stary Sącz

Sanctuary of Saint Kinga in Stary Sącz

Wnętrze kościoła. Kobieta siedzi tyłem w drewnianej ławce przed ołtarzem bocznym bogato zdobionym złoceniami z obrazem Matki Bożej. Po drugiej stronie drugi taki sam ołtarz z innym obrazem. U góry malowany sufit ze sklepieniem krzyżowym z postaciami świętych. Na wprost węższe prezbiterium z głównym ołtarzem ze stołem, za którym stoi bogato ozdobiony obraz. Przed stołem klęczy kapłan. Po jego boku ławka. Ściany malowane wizerunkami świętych wraz z wiszącymi na nich obrazami świętymi.

Plac św. Kingi 1, 33-340 Stary Sącz Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 184460499
fax. +48 184460173
The famous shrine owes much to Karol Wojtyła, who, already as Pope John Paul II, on 16 June 1999 solemnly canonized Kinga, the founder of the Poor Clares Minastery in Stary Sącz.

In 1257, Princess Kinga received the land of Sącz, and in 1280 as the widow of Bolesław V the Chaste, she founded a monastery located on a steep bank on the Poprad River, gave the monastery her property and became a Poor Clare. She died in the monastery in 1292. After her death, numerous miracles were reported and pilgrims kept coming to her grave. Legend has it that thanks to Saint Kinga we have salt, and that it was she who brought salt miners to Poland. In the years 1285–1332 a wooden church of St. Clare was built that in 1332 was rebuilt into a Gothic church of the Holy Trinity   in which form it exists today despite fires and subsequent reconstructions .It is a single-nave, five-bay church with a narrower presbytery. In the main altar made of black marble and stucco, created by Balthazar Fontana in 1699, is a silver-plate painting of the Holy Trinity with the Saints, including Kinga. Inside, baroque side altars draw attention. One dedicated to St. Kinga is a baroque pulpit from 1671 with paintings from the 17th century on the sacristy door along with a Gothic baptismal font in the shape of a cup from the 15th century. The chapel of St. Kinga from the 14th century, separated from the nave by a decorative lattice from the 17th century, adjoins the church. It contains a plaque commemorating the canonisation of the saint and the visit of Pope John Paul II, a baroque altar with a statue of the saint from 1470, a former tomb of the saint and a silver coffin with her relics. In the monastery is an image of the saint painted especially for the canonisation ceremony. The canonisation Mass for 600,000 worshippers took place in the vast expanses at the foot of the slope above the Poprad River. The altar erected for the occasion still stands there to this day. Its wooden architecture is reminiscent of the region's architecture, while the grassy slope and the stream flowing from the top remind us of the mountain scenery that inspired the Pope to make his famous 'reviewing of geography lessons'. Memorabilia related to the pope's stay and the canonisation Mass are gathered in an exhibition room under the altar. The Sącz Pilgrimage Centre with a pilgrim house named after John Paul II was established nearby.

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