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Ulica Floriańska in Krakow

Ulica Floriańska in Krakow

Dom Jana Matejki przy ulicy Floriańskiej w Krakowie. Jasny budynek w zabudowie ciągłej z okratowanymi ozdobnie drzwiami i oknami na parterze w formie łuku, na pozostałych piętrach okna prostokątne, po trzy na każdym piętrze. Na pierwszym piętrze po środku balkon z ozdobną, metalową, kutą barierką. Budynek z czterema kondygnacjami. Wokół okien ozdobne filary i nad środkowym zdobienie w formie podwieszonych zasłon. Po obu stronach kamienice. Przed chodnik i ulica brukowana.

ul. Floriańska, 31-019 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

Krakow’s ul. Floriańska rises up to the ranks Paris's Les Champs Elysees or New York's 5th Avenue, although it is shorter and less luxurious. Always bustling and crowded, the street that connects the Main Market Square with St. Florian’s Gate is a must-see on the map of visiting the city. Here, you can find legendary pubs and restaurants, art galleries and places where the artistic circles of Krakow used to meet.

This street was part of the Royal Road to Wawel. This is where monarchs, royal guests and diplomats entered the city and made their way to the castle. Since it was the city’s flagship, it gained a paved surface, and most of the tenement houses on both sides were made of brick already at the end of the 15th century. It is worth taking a walk down it and admiring the details that have survived, for example, from the Renaissance, a statue of the Virgin Mary on the house at number 7 or the Renaissance portals at number 27. On ul. Floriańska, both Tsar Aleksander I and the composer Franz Liszt stayed in one of the oldest hotels, “Under Rose”. At number 41, there is the house of master Jan Matejko, where he was born and died (today it is a museum dedicated to the artist). You need to reserve a bit more time for the tenement house at number 45. The famous cafe Jama Michalika (called a jama (cave) due to the lack of windows), founded by a Lviv confectioner, is the place where Young Poland was born and this spirit is still present in it today. The first literary and artistic cabaret in Poland “Zielony Balonik” (the Green Balloon), founded by Krakow artists and writers associated with the Young Poland movement (including Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński, Jan August Kisielewski and Teofil Trzciński), performed on the small stage located there. It is worth to stop at Jama for a while to soak in the atmosphere of it while eating a kremówka (cream pie) or a chocolate cake.

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