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Lookout Tower on Eliaszówka

Lookout Tower on Eliaszówka

Zdjęcie wykonane dzięki aparatowi zamontowanemu na dronie. Przedstawia Wieżę widokową Eliaszówka wśród otaczającej ją gęstej zieleni beskidu. Teren porasta las iglasty oraz nieliczne drzewa liściaste. Nieopodal wieży widokowej znajduje się altana dla turystów szukających schroneinia, a wzdłuż trasy wiodącej do wieży można dostrzec znaki informacyjne. Tło stanowią pagórki oraz wzgórza pokryte drzewami.

Piwniczna-Zdrój Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

Eliaszówka (1023 m above sea level) is the highest peak of the Lubowelskie Mountains in Beskid Sądecki, on the border between Poland and Slovakia.

It is located in the ridge running from Gromadzka Pass (938 m) through the Okrúhla Peak (958 m) in a south-easterly direction, in a place where the ridge turns to the north-east, continuing through the Świnia's Ridge to Karczmarska and Bucznik Mountains (669 m) and to the fork of the Poprad and Czercz rivers.

At the top of this mountain a 20-metre-high lookout tower has been erected from which you can admire the surrounding Polish and Slovakian hills. Once you climb the tower, you can see the entire Beskid Sądecki, Little Pieniny (Pieniny Małe), Pieniny and the Tatra Mountains.
The ascent is well-marked with information boards. During the hike, you pass several large clearings that offer charming views. There are benches along the trail where you can sit and rest while traversing the route. Stairs have been installed to make the steeper sections of the trail more accessible. Lovers of mountain hiking will also find a covered gazebo and a place for a bonfire on the summit of Eliaszówka. A special obstacle course has been created here for enthusiasts of two wheels.