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The buildings in Biesiadki

The buildings in Biesiadki

Na wprost stojący z ukosa drewniany, parterowy dom we wsi. Z ciemnych desek w różnych kierunkach, z dwuspadowym dachem i trójkątnym szczytem. Z przodu po środku jasne drzwi po czterech schodach. Po bokach jasne okna. Z boku jedno okno. Równo z domem stoi drewniany płot. Za nim drzewo. Przed budynkiem trawnik i zabudowania gospodarcze. Z tyłu drzewa. Na niebie kilka chmur.

32-864 Biesiadki Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

tel. +48 146869600
The buildings in Biesiadki date from the interwar period. The village’s terraced wooden buildings arose after the great fire of 1920, which burnt down the majority of the earlier wooden buildings.
The houses were erected along the main road and placed perpendicular to it. The logged cottages are boarded and covered with gable roofs. The windows have decoratively carved frames and the painted walls are decorated by small planks carved into patterns.