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Tenczyn Castle Rudno

Tenczyn Castle Rudno

Widok z góry na mury zamku na około dziedzińca z trawą i kilkoma drzewami. Od dołu mury prawdopodobnie pięciokąta z fragmentami ozdobnymi u góry, dalej w lewo podwójne, długie mury, na ich końcu okrągła baszta z odnowionymi ozdobieniami i tarasem.  Dalszy ciąg murów na prawo z okrągłą, wyższą nieco od murów basztą, dalej kolejny ciąg wysokich murów z otworami okiennymi prowadzących do kwadratowej wysokiej wieży z czerwonym dachem. Przed nią ruiny budynku z otworami okiennymi. Po prawej za drzewem fragment murów. W tle lasy i chmury, po części pomarańczowe od promieni słonecznych.

ul. Królewska, 32-065 Rudno Tourist region: Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

tel. +48 784412561
The huge ruins of the Tenczyn Castle in Rudno are located on the highest location of the Tenczyn Hump. Made of volcanic rock, the Hump rises 401 m a.s.l. (volcano). There’s no need to panic, though, as the volcano is not active.

Between 1331 and 1361, the Kraków Province Governor, Andrzej of the Topór coat of arms (Tęczyński), erected a huge castle. The surrounding walls with towers created an oval plan, while the entrance led through a tremendous, square-shaped gate tower. This tower, topped by a hip roof, is the best preserved part of the castle. Around 1570, the medieval fortress was transformed into a Renaissance residence with arcaded cloisters in the courtyard and walls featuring decorative attics. At the beginning of the 17th century, the castle’s fortifications were extended, creating a powerful fortress with an impressive barbican that survives until today. The result was one of the biggest castles in Małopolska, and the biggest one in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. After the Tęczyński family, the castle was owned by the Opaliński family, and then by the Lubomirski family, who reconstructed Tenczyn after the damage done during the Swedish invasion in 1656. After the fire of 1768, the abandoned castle fell into ruin. Comprehensive shoring-up work along with reconstruction of a part of the wall was carried out in 2007. The highlight of the castle is the restored Nawojowa Tower, with the historical exhibition and a sightseeing platform at the top.


Legend of the Tenczyn Castle

During the ‘Swedish deluge’, the soldiers of Karl Gustav attacked and seized the castle. They searched every nook and cranny back then, trying to find the crown treasures, which were allegedly brought here from Kraków, before the city’s surrender. Obviously, they were not aware that the treasures could be stolen only two times a year – on Christmas and Easter, because for the rest of the year, they were guarded by three devils in the form of black dogs. The treasures were not found, but everything that was of any value and could be transported was taken away.


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