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War Cemetery no. 118 in Staszkówka

War Cemetery no. 118 in Staszkówka

Kamienne nagrobki i cztery murowane z jasnych cegieł wysokie, monumentalne pylony, na dwóch metalowe miecze.

38-321 Staszkówka Tourist region: Pogórza

The necropolis on Patria Hill stands out with four large stone pylons – two of them are topped with the iron swords sticking out to the sky.
This monument, visible from afar, was designed by German sculptor Hermann Kurt Hosaeus, whereas the grave fields, fences and tombstones were designed by Anton Müller. The cemetery is the burial site for the total of 439 German, 281 Austro-Hungarian and 43 Russian soldiers. A beautiful view of the vicinity spreads from this carefully renovated necropolis.On May 2, 1915, the Russian fortifications on the hill, surrounded by abatises with barb-wire entanglement and minefields were attacked by the German infantry units of the Second Division of the Prussian Guarde du Corps. It turned out that the several-hour-long artillery fire by mistake omitted this part of the Russian lines and the First Regiment of Prussian Grenadiers, crossing through minefields, was caught under the enemy gun machine fire. Finally, thanks to the advances of the division on the remaining sections, this hill was also captured but the regiment was decimated and suffered the loss of over 600 killed or wounded soldiers.

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