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St. Zygmunt’s Church in Żelichów

St. Zygmunt’s Church in Żelichów

Na wprost za zielonym klombem, drewniany, z ciemnych desek kościół na kamiennej podmurówce, od strony wysokiego prezbiterium, z krzyżem na tylnej ścianie, po prawej niska zakrystia. Dalej schody i kaplica. Dach pokryty gontem, na środku wieżyczka z sygnaturką. Na około alejka, drzewa i ogrodzenie. Za ogrodzeniem wysokie drzewa i niemal bezchmurne niebo.

Żelichów 2, 33-260 Wola Żelichowska Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

tel. +48 146416047
St. Zygmunt’s Church as built in 1642 and moved to its current location from Pleśna in 1938.
The wooden, single-nave church is covered by a shingled roof. On the rood beam there are late-gothic sculptures, and an ornamental portal from 1642 leads into the sacristy. The most precious fitting elements are: a late-gothic polyptych from the C16th, probably the work of one of the Silesian wood-carving workshops, brought from a church in Tymowa in Lower Silesia,and an C18th baroque pulpit. The chapel, which opens onto the nave through an arcade, contains an C18th rococo altar with a painting of St. Anne Teaching Mary from the turn of the C20th

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