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The Museum of the History of Photography in Krakow

The Museum of the History of Photography in Krakow

Czerwony, drewniany aparat na pierwszym planie. W dalszej części widać salę w Muzeum Fotografii w Krakowie z drewnianymi, czerwonymi elementami na suficie, a środek sali jest przedzielony ścianką.

ul. Rakowicka 22A, 31-510 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 123957042
tel. +48 503869430
It is the only such museum in Poland devoted entirely to the magic of photography, its history and the art of its creation. It is a modern, multimedia facility that carefully protects both heritage and the past.

Since 2018, the Museum of the History of Photography occupies the building of the historic Shooting Range in Wola Justowska in Krakow. The museum's collection includes a collection of photographic equipment of about 2,000 objects, a collection of autochromes, i.e. unique glass slides from the beginnings of colour photography, a collection of art photography and a collection of photographs from Krakow's photographic studios. The mission of the Walery Rzewuski Museum of the History of Photography in Krakow is to care for the cultural heritage entrusted to them, to visualise the role of the past and memory in contemporary society, but also to be a modern institution understood as a place of meetings and exchange of views on contemporary problems of visuality and cultural canons. In addition to the permanent exhibition (Portrait - the history of portrait photography and its contemporary significance), the Museum offers temporary exhibitions. On July 1, 2021, another branch of the museum opened (MuFo Józefitów at ul. Józefitów 16). It presents the work of a modern institution and educates viewers how to care for home archives.


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