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Orthodox Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian Bartne

Orthodox Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian Bartne

Trawa i drewniane ogrodzenie z daszkiem z gontu, po lewej z małym drewnianym budynkiem. Wewnątrz drewniana cerkiew kryta gontem z kwadratową wieżą o pochyłych ścianach, z sygnaturką u góry. Na nawie i prezbiterium dalej, takie same sygnaturki. Z tyłu drzewa bez liści i bezchmurne niebo.

Bartne, 38-307 Sękowa Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 183518454
It is worth visiting Bartne, as it is a village still inhabited mostly by Lemkos. There are two Orthdox churches here, both dedicated to the same saints.

The church was erected in 1842; the bottom of the tower may date back to the 18th century.  After the displacement of the Lemko population from 1947 onwards, it did not have a sacred function; it was unused and deteriorating.  After renovation in 1968–1970, it became a branch of the Museum of Karwacjan and Gładysz Manor Houses in Gorlice.

It is a wooden, oriented, tripartite church with rooms on a square plan; the presbytery is closed rectangularly with a vestry, nave and cabinets.  It has a log structure with shingled roofs and walls. The roofs over the nave and presbytery are tented, broken with apparent lantern turrets. Above the granary, the roof is gabled. The 18th-century tower of post-and-frame construction has sloping walls, a closed sable, and an apparent chamber topped by a domed cupola with a lantern.  In the 1960s,the polychromes on the exterior on the parapet and the tower starling were restored.

 Flat ceilings with polychrome and facets cover the interior. The music choir takes the form of an overhanging gallery. There is an 18th-century Baroque iconostasis with icons from the 16th century, a carved and polychrome side altar with an icon of the Crucifixion from 1797 and unique 18th-century icons depicting the Madonna and Child and Christ Pantocrator, as well as paintings from other churches in the area. A painted doorway from the former church in Nieznajowa, dating from 1780, has been placed in the granary.

The church is surrounded by a log fence with shingled roofs and a gate covered by a shingled, tented roof with a spherical cupola. In the area next to the church, there is a wooden stone beater and a millstone, as well as a stone parson's granary from the 19th century. The granary houses an exhibition on the history of the largest Lemko folk stonemasonry centre in Bartne, with traditions dating back to the 17th century. The centre operated until the displacement of the Lemkos in 1947 during Operation Vistula.  Stonemasonry tools, archive photographs, and local stone products such as grinding stones, querns, millstones, and crosses are on display here.  Plans are underway to restore the former vicarage complex: vicarage, stables, barn, and cellar.

Nearby is a Lemko cemetery with stone tombstones, the work of local stonemasons.

In the village you can see Lemko houses called chyże (single-building wooden homestead).


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