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The Greek Catholic Parish Church of St. Paraskevi in Uście Gorlickie

The Greek Catholic Parish Church of St. Paraskevi in Uście Gorlickie

Wnętrze drewnianej cerkwi. Po bokach drewniane ławki, przy nich od środka wysokie chorągwie. Na środku wąski stół nakryty obrusem, z dwoma świecami i obrazem. Za nim na wzorzystym dywanie szeroki stół nakryty obrusem, przed nim kwiaty. Z tyłu duży i wysoki, bogato zdobiony złoceniami ikonostas z ażurowymi wrotami pomiędzy obrazami u dołu. Ściany malowane we wzory. Po prawej za chorągwiami widać obraz w bogato zdobionej ramie. Z lewej przy ścianie obraz Matki Bożej z Dzieciątkiem w bogato zdobionej złoceniami ramie. Obok wyżej fragment okna.

38-315 Uście Gorlickie Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 517221554
The Greek Catholic Parish Church of St. Paraskevi in Uście Gorlickie dates from 1786. In the second half of the C20th it has been used as a Roman Catholic Church, but since 1951 and the return of some of the Lemkos, Greek Catholic services have also been held in it.
The Greek Catholic Parish Church of St. Paraskevi in Uście Gorlickie dates from 1786. In the second half of the C20th it has been used as a Roman Catholic Church, but since 1951 and the return of some of the Lemkos, Greek Catholic services have also been held in it. It is a West Lemko church built using log construction with shingled walls. The figurative-ornamental polychrome work was applied in 1938. The fittings include an C18th late-baroque iconostasis which is interesting due to the rare sculptures on the antependia (below the Mother of God icon there is a representation of Adam and Eve, and below the Christ Teaching icon  the prophets).

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