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Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus — Jaszczurówka, Zakopane

Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus — Jaszczurówka, Zakopane

Ośnieżona duża drewniana kaplica zbudowana w stylu zakopiańskim z murowaną podmurówką, drewnianymi schodami, krużgankami i stromym dachem.  Na drugiej kondygnacji okna z łukami. Nad wejściem niewielka kapliczka z dzwonem. U góry kwadratowa wieżyczka z krzyżem. Na około  ośnieżone drzewa.

Jaszczurówka 38, 34-500 Zakopane Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182061019
The Jaszczurówka Chapel is a worthwhile destination. The building is a beautiful example of wooden architecture and the Zakopane style. Sponsored by the Uznański family, the Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Zakopane was designed by Stanisław Witkiewicz and built in 1904–1907 in the Zakopane style.

It is considered to be one of the most influential examples of the Zakopane style and the most beautiful wooden sacral building in the Tatra Mountains, in addition to the Old Church in Kościeliska Street in Zakopane. Thanks to its wooden architecture atop a tall stone foundation, with a steep roof topped with a small bell tower, the chapel blends in with the deep green of the spruce forest on the slopes of Jaszczurówka. The interior of the chapel is decorated with stained-glass windows designed by Stanisław Witkiewicz Sr. The building was erected by highland carpenters supervised by Aurelian Blacha, who likely designed the main altar. On both sides of the carved wooden altar are colourful stained glass windows. The window on the right depicts Our Lady of Częstochowa with the coat of arms of Poland, while the window on the left showcases Our Lady of Ostra Brama with the coat of arms of Lithuania. Side altars made by folk sculptor Józef Janos from Dębno were installed in 1954. When in Jaszczurówka, it is worth making a trip to the nearby Rusinowa Polana in the Tatra Mountains, home to a charming chapel of Our Lady of Jaworzyna, Queen of the Tatra Mountains.

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