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All Saints’ Church in Dąbrowa Tarnowska

All Saints’ Church in Dąbrowa Tarnowska

Drewniany duży kościół bez wieży, z dwuspadowym dachem pokrytym blachą, z niższą nawą boczną i kaplicą z boku. Z przodu po prawej dobudowany przedsionek. Wkoło drewniane ogrodzenie z murowanymi słupami. Na pierwszym planie schody prowadzące na teren kościelny. Po lewej trawa i wysokie drzewo. Na niebie kilka kłębiastych chmur.

ul. Kościelna, 33-200 Dąbrowa Tarnowska Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

tel. +48 146422526
All Saints’ Church was erected in Dąbrowa Tarnowska in 1771 under the patronage of the canon of Kraków, Kajetan Potocki.
The three-nave church is an interesting example of baroque wooden architecture, recalling brick models. This basilica church possesses two chapels which form a transept. The interior, divided into naves by arcades, is covered by false vaulting. There is polychrome decoration in the late-baroque tradition which dates from the second half of the C19th. The majority of the fitting are rococo and date from the C18th. The oldest and most valuable work of art in the church is the C15th/C16th late-gothic crucifix.

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