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The Oscypek Museum in Zakopane

The Oscypek Museum in Zakopane

Drewniany, wyrzeźbiony szyld Muzeum Oscypka w Zakopanem. Za szyldem balkon z oknem.

ul. Jagiellońska 28, 34-500 Zakopane Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 888920506
The Oscypek Museum in Zakopane is a place where you can see for yourself how the most popular highland cheese is made. It’s worth recalling that the Polish mountain sheep cheese is a EU certified regional food product, which protects its originality.

The Oscypek Museum in Zakopane is located neraby The Zakopane Thermal Baths. This is, above all, a place where you can get to know the secrets of making the legendary sheep's cheese. According to experts, oscypek is the most famous Polish regional product in Poland and in the world. To protect it, highlanders entered it on the EU list of regional products. This means that its shape is legally protected, and the production must be carried out in accordance with the established recipe. It determines, inter alia, the content of sheep's milk in oscypek and the method of its production, i.e. forming and smoking. At the Oscypek Museum, all stages of its production are presented to the public in line with the traditional recipe. Experienced highlanders tell stories of how the shepherds came to the Tatras, and explain what kosor, ferula or pucenie is. All visitors can participate in the workshop and, under the watchful eye of shepherds, can make their own cheese. The shop at the museum offers the highest quality original Polish mountain cheeses, souvenirs and handicrafts.

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