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Żydowska Tarnów Street

Żydowska Tarnów Street

Wąska uliczka wyłożona brukiem, po jej obu stronach stoją kamienice. Po prawej otwarte drewniane drzwi. Na wprost widoczna kamienica z arkadami. Niebo bezchmurne.

ul. Żydowska, 33-100 Tarnów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

Narrow houses, shops, workshops and never ending problems with the sewage system. This is what the ul. Żydowska looked like until World War II, connecting the market square with the square where the Old Synagogue was located.

The Jewish settlement in Tarnów was concentrated around ul. Żydowska. It is the oldest part of the Old Town that was inhabited by Jews. Ul. Żydowska leads from the market square in Tarnów to the square where the Old Synagogue used to be. Over time, the original wooden houses were rebuilt into brick houses. The historic tenement houses along the street come from the 16th century and present a characteristic model of buildings for Jewish districts, where use of space was key. Traces of mezuzahs in the doorframes of tenement houses, which until recently could be found in this place, testify to the originality of the street as a place where Jews lived for centuries. On the wall of tenement houses on this street you can find a plaque commemorating the extermination of the Tarnów Jews, and old signboards are located next to some shops and service points.

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