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Chronów Vineyard

Chronów Vineyard

Zdjęcie przedstawia Winnicę Chronów z góry. Widoczne zarówno same krzewy winorośli oraz budynki gospodarstwa.

Chronów 209, 32-720 Chronów Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 691974741
A vineyard established from the ground up by a young couple.

The vineyard is located in the municipality (gmina) of Nowy Wiśnicz, in the village of Chronów – this is where the founders of the vineyard, Anna and Michał, took the name from. The vineyard was established on one-hectare farm, where the first harvest appeared in 2012 and wine sales started in 2016.
The vineyard features around 2,500 vines. It is located at an altitude of about 280 metres above sea level, on a relatively gentle south-western slope descending towards a small valley. In addition to the popular and well-tested varieties in this part of Poland, such as Seyval Blanc, Solaris, Hibernal and Jutrzenka for white wines, and Regent, Rondo, Maréchal Foch and Léon Millot for red wines, a whole set of new, resistant American hybrids such as Prairie Star, La Crescent, Marquette, Frontenac and several others have been planted here for testing. Altogether, as many as 17 grape varieties are grown here. The Chronów Vineyard produces exclusively dry, white, red and rosé wines, both varietal and blended ones.
Wine is produced here mainly for the guests of the vineyard and for the local market. The owners do most of the viticulture and harvesting work themselves. It is possible to stay overnight at the winery – two flats and a playground for children are available on site.

Chronów Vineyard was awarded in the 2019 Tourist Treasures of Małopolska competition, in the Rural Recreation category.