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The urban layout in Szczepanów

The urban layout in Szczepanów

Od lewej brama i na wprost z bliska drewniany budynek, z grubych desek, z malowanymi pomiędzy nimi białymi pasami. Na środku białe drzwi po dwóch betonowych stopniach. Po bokach po dwa okna w białych framugach. Dach dwuspadowy, pokryty blachą dachówkową. Po prawej za nim fragment kolejnego drewnianego budynku z grubych desek. Przed budynkami trawa. Nad nimi bezchmurne niebo.

32-823 Szczepanów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

The urban layout in Szczepanów dates from the C18th. In 1761 Stanisław Lubomirski founded a town on the village land, which helps explain the design of the market square, unusual for a village.
Szczepanów lost its civic charter in the C19th. However it has partially retained the old urban layout with brick and wooden buildings on the market square. The village’s appearance was dominated by wooden buildings up until the middle of the C20th. These were mainly single-bay, erected using log construction and covered with thatched hip roofs. The walls were white-washed. At the beginning of the C20th thatch began to be replaced by roof tiles, which led to a change in form to gable roofs.